What Are HTQs?

Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) are high-quality, job-focused qualifications that have been approved to deliver the skills employers need. They can lead to fantastic jobs such as Nursing Associate, Software Developer, and Sports Coach.

Here are some quick facts about HTQs:

  • HTQs are an exciting option for individuals aged 18+.
  • They are flexible and can be studied full-time or part-time.
  • HTQs are usually delivered in a classroom setting and take 1-2 years to complete.
  • They’re available across the country in further education colleges, universities and Institutes of Technology.
  • They can lead to an accelerated apprenticeship, full degree or employement.

Explore the resources below to find out more about the benefits of HTQs.

Watch this film produced by the Department for Education to find out more!


Catch up on our previously recorded HTQs webinar ‘Getting to grips with HTQs’. This was recorded in Oct 2023 and provides an excellent overview of everything you need to know about the basics of HTQs.

Watch Now

Catch up on our previously recorded HTQs webinar ‘How to research and apply for HTQs‘ to find out more about availability, the application process, funding and more.

Watch Now

Find out more about Higher Technical Qualifications and the available subjects.

Visit the National Careers Service website