School & College Zone
This zone aims to give you all the information and resources you need to inspire your students about apprenticeships and technical education.
Our resources are suitable for all settings, whether you’re in a school, college, or educating at home, we’ve got everything you need.

Resources To Share
Quick explainers, activities, films, quizzes and games to share with your school, students, parents & carers.

Build Your Knowledge
Upskill, build your knowledge and log CPD with our informative webinar series.

Planning (Term by Term)
Plan your careers provision with our term-by-term guide to the year ahead.
Subject-Led Resources
Explore our collection of subject-led resources to use with your students to inspire apprenticeship conversation and consideration.
Our 19 subject-led resource bundles each include a teacher guide, student activity, lesson slides, and display materials. The student activity has been designed to be adaptable to students at all levels, and also to support Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers.

Apprenticeship Arcade
Engage your students in your class or at home using the Apprenticeship Arcade – a suite of interactive games that offer a fun way for students to build their understanding about apprenticeships.
The arcade is the home to over 30 different games and quizzes using platforms such as Kahoot, Blooket, Educandy and WordWall.
There’s a game for everyone!

National Apprenticeship Week 2025
Discover all you need to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, Monday 10th – Sunday 16th of February 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions
What can I do this term at my school/college to raise awareness of apprenticeships?
Check out the planning guide in the School Zone, where amongst other things you’ll find our Term Ahead Planner, which highlights resources you could use during key events and campaigns.
I don’t know where to start with planning what to do in National Apprenticeship Week – help!
Don’t worry – we’ve got a page on our site especially for National Apprenticeship Week, where you’ll find planning webinars, a comprehensive guide to what you could do in your school or college and much more.
What can I share with parents/carers?
We know how important the influence of parents and carers is when their children are thinking about their next steps. You could share our Parent Zone, where they will find resources like our parents and carers guide, podcast episodes and lots of suggested resources.
You could also encourage them to sign up to our monthly magazine, Choices, written especially for parents and carers all about apprenticeships and technical education.
What can subject teachers use in their lessons?
On our Subject-Led page, you will find bundles of resources for 19 different school/college subjects, each including a lesson activity PowerPoint, worksheet, teacher guide and subject poster.
Is there anything we could use in tutor time?
Our Apprenticeship Arcade has a range of different games across platforms like Kahoot, Blooket and Wordwall, that are perfect for a fun tutor time.
We also have a wide range of films that form tutors could show, including our incredibly popular Assembly Film.
How can I make sure my colleagues know about apprenticeships and what to say if a student talks to them about their career options?
If you are able to get a slot at a staff briefing or meeting to talk to your colleagues about apprenticeships, you could use our How to host a staff briefing PowerPoint, or even show our assembly film.
Your subject teacher colleagues will be able to visit our Subject-led resource pages to support them to become more informed about apprenticeships in their subject areas.
There are also lots of webinars or webinar recordings you could share.
Do you have anything that clearly explains the different aspects of apprenticeships?
Our Rapid Read resources have been designed for exactly this purpose and there are now 20 covering everything from What is an apprenticeship? to Top tips to find a green apprenticeship.
What am I actually required to do in school about apprenticeships?
Below, you will find a page all about the legal duties schools and colleges must fulfil.
Do you have any display materials?
We have a range of posters and a display pack, all free to download and put up anywhere you like!
How can I share information about apprenticeship employers?
Our new and exciting Meet The Employer page shares a range of employer profiles and apprenticeship vacancies, giving students behind-the-scenes access to see what life would be like as an apprentice with each organisation.
What can I sign up to receive?
How can I inspire SEND students about apprenticeships?
We have a range of films featuring apprentices with a physical or learning disability or difference, with accompanying resources, that you could use with your students.
Resources to get you started
ASK for Support
Are you looking for fully-funded support to promote apprenticeships within your school or college? The Apprenticeship Support & Knowledge for schools and colleges programme (ASK programme) is funded by the Department for Education and aims to support schools and colleges in England to increase awareness of apprenticeships amongst students, parents, carers, teachers and careers advisers.

Meet The Employers
We work with some of the world’s best-known employers to help raise awareness of their apprenticeship and early talent programmes. Visit our Meet the Employer area to discover more about their apprenticeship programmes and support your students to explore, search and apply for apprenticeships.