Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Provider Network

Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Provider Network

Our Director, Anna Morrison, is the Network Manager of the Beds & Herts Provider Network – an established network of training providers and stakeholders.

Together with the Network Chair, we have worked hard to build a reputation as a credible and responsive group of providers and have developed strong links with LEPs, funding agencies, referral partners and Local Authorities to ensure that providers of high-quality skills and training are supported to receive the very latest information from the sector and to share intelligence and ideas.

“The benefits of being a part of the network are invaluable. This is a fantastic opportunity to talk to like-minded providers and a chance to discuss in a comfortable environment any queries, concerns and also ability to share best practise. As providers, we never miss any updates or important details, Anna is someone who doesn’t let go or ever give up in trying to support providers.”

Hertford Regional College.

“It is an honour to support this network of passionate and high-quality providers and we look forward to continuing our work together.”

Anna Morrison CBE, Director, Amazing Apprenticeships.