
Explore our range of inspirational and informative apprenticeship resources
Amelia @ Coca-Cola Resource Bundle
Amelia @ Coca-Cola Resource Bundle
A resource bundle for teachers & careers advisers, includes lesson plan, student worksheet and PowerPoint slide deck.
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Apprentice Story: Engineer @ Coca-Cola
Apprentice Story: Engineer @ Coca-Cola
Meet Amelia, an Engineer at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, and hear her apprentice story.
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Carly @ House of Commons Resource Bundle
Carly @ House of Commons Resource Bundle
A resource bundle for teachers & careers advisers, includes lesson plan, student worksheet and PowerPoint slide deck.
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Apprentice Story: Accounts Officer @ House Of Commons
Apprentice Story: Accounts Officer @ House Of Commons
Meet Carly, an Accounts Officer at the House of Commons, and hear her apprentice story.
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Time For Change: Taking positive action workshop recording
Time For Change: Taking positive action workshop recording
In this Time for Change workshop recording, we bring employer and HR voices to the table to discuss positive...
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T Levels Webinar
T Levels Webinar
Watch this exclusive T Levels webinar for schools and stakeholders to find out more about the benefits that they...
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Ben @ BBC Apprentice Story Resource Bundle
Ben @ BBC Apprentice Story Resource Bundle
A resource bundle for teachers & careers advisers, includes lesson plan, student worksheet and PowerPoint slide deck.
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Apprentice Story: Broadcast Operator @ BBC
Apprentice Story: Broadcast Operator @ BBC
Meet Ben, a Broadcast Operator at the BBC, and hear his apprentice story.
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Samah @ Coca-Cola Apprentice Story Resource Bundle
Samah @ Coca-Cola Apprentice Story Resource Bundle
A resource bundle for teachers & careers advisers, includes lesson plan, student worksheet and PowerPoint slide deck.
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Apprentice Story: Quality Coordinator @ Coca-Cola
Apprentice Story: Quality Coordinator @ Coca-Cola
Meet Samah, Quality Coordinator at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, and hear her apprentice story.
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World Space Week Quiz
World Space Week Quiz
Test your knowledge of careers linked with the space industry with our space quiz!
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Parents’ and Carers’ Pack September 21
Parents’ and Carers’ Pack September 21
The latest apprenticeship information for parents and carers.
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Coding Quiz
Coding Quiz
Test your knowledge about careers and apprenticeships linked with coding with our quiz.
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Apprentices Are Amazing: Short Film
Apprentices Are Amazing: Short Film
Watch this short film to discover the amazing world of apprenticeships featuring employers such as the BBC, House of...
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Rapid Read: Finding the best apprenticeship for you
Rapid Read: Finding the best apprenticeship for you
Find out all about finding the best apprenticeship for you in this Rapid Read!
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Rapid Read: What is the Baker Clause?
Rapid Read: What is the Baker Clause?
Find out all about the key requirements for schools in this Rapid Read!
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Rapid Read: End Point Assessment explained
Rapid Read: End Point Assessment explained
Find out all about End Point Assessments in this Rapid Read!
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The Parent Perspective Podcast – Episode 4: Channel 4 and careers expert Sarah Barley
The Parent Perspective Podcast – Episode 4: Channel 4 and careers expert Sarah Barley
In this episode: Award-winning careers expert and business studies teacher, Sarah Barley shares her experience and expertise on how...
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The Parent Perspective Podcast – Episode 3: Rolls Royce, Career Coaching and The NHS
The Parent Perspective Podcast – Episode 3: Rolls Royce, Career Coaching and The NHS
In this episode we hear from Rolls Royce, Career Coaching and The NHS.
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The Parent Perspective Podcast – Episode 2: BBC, Sky Sports News and Dyson
The Parent Perspective Podcast – Episode 2: BBC, Sky Sports News and Dyson
Learn more about opportunities available for young people at the BBC across the UK.
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The Parent Perspective Podcast – Episode 1: The Careers and Enterprise Company and Gen. Healthy Minds
The Parent Perspective Podcast – Episode 1: The Careers and Enterprise Company and Gen. Healthy Minds
Hear top tips from The CEC and workplace wellbeing expert George Anderson of Gen Healthy Minds.
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