Explore our range of inspirational and informative apprenticeship resources
Apprenticeships with the Armed Forces Webinar
Explore the apprenticeship opportunities available within the British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force.
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The Apprenticeship A-Z of Men at Work Case Study Booklet
Take a look at our inspirational teaching resource: A-Z of men at work, created for International Men’s Day.
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The Apprenticeship A-Z of Men at Work Flashcards
Take a look at our inspirational teaching resource: A-Z of men at work, created for International Men’s Day.
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T Levels Quiz
Take this short T Levels quiz to challenge yourself and see just how much you know about T Levels!
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Time for Change: Apprenticeships for All Best Bits
Watch the best bits from our Time for change: Apprenticeships for all workshop.
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Time for Change: Apprenticeships For All workshop recording
Watch our Time for change: Apprenticeships For All workshop in full.
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School Workforce 16+/18+ Choices Overview 1 Pager
Take a look at our School Workforce 16+/18+ overview for an insight into apprenticeship opportunities.
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T Levels Course Outline Bundle
Download our informative T Levels Course Outline Bundle to learn more.
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The Genie Programme Brochure
Discover how the Genie Programme empowers professionals to affect real positive change in how they attract, support and develop...
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Time For Change: Social Mobility In Apprenticeships Workshop Recording
Watch our employer workshop, Time for change: Apprenticeships for all.
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Social Mobility In Apprenticeships Quiz
Test your knowledge of the social mobility issues affecting apprenticeships.
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T Levels ASK Slides For Students
Download this scripted presentation, designed for teachers to introduce T Levels to students.
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T Levels Ambassador Film
Watch this short film to discover the key facts about T Levels.
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Webinar Slides – Apprenticeships in the Energy Sector
Read our teachers and careers adviser webinar slides covering apprenticeships in the energy sector.
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T Levels Early Years Webinar
Watch our introduction to T Levels in this childcare and education webinar.
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T Levels Digital Webinar
Watch our overview of T Levels in this digital production, design and development webinar.
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T Levels Construction Webinar
Watch our overview of T Levels in this design, surveying and planning for construction webinar.
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T Levels Guide
The Department for Education T Levels team have created a helpful Guide for Teachers and Careers Advisers.
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Webinar Slides – T Levels: Education and Childcare
Read our webinar slides which include an introduction to the T Level in Education and Childcare.
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Webinar Slides – Automotive Apprenticeships
Read our webinar slides covering Apprenticeships in the Automotive Industry.
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Webinar Slides – Boost Employability
Read our webinar slides for a practical guide to helping your students boost their employability skills.
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