Explore our range of inspirational and informative apprenticeship resources
ASK Webinar: The nuts and bolts of apprenticeships
Watch this ASK webinar to discover the nuts and bolts of apprenticeships!
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Moving On Up Care Leaver round table (part 2)
Watch part 2 of the recorded care leaver round table.
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Moving On Up Care Leaver round table (part 1)
Watch part 1 of the recorded care leaver round table.
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Time for change: Supporting young and young adult carers into apprenticeships
Join us for a discussion on challenges faced by young and young adult carers when applying for and undertaking...
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Time for change: Why language matters – de-mystifying diversity, inclusion and social mobility
Watch this session about what makes language so important, how people get it wrong and how we can start...
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T Levels webinar recording April
Watch this webinar recording to catch up on the latest updates on T Levels!
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Time for Change: Using apprenticeships to drive social mobility workshop recording
A very special Time for Change session for NAW 2022, introduced by the Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills, Alex...
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T Levels webinar recording
Watch this webinar recording to catch up on the latest updates on T Levels!
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Time for Change: Skills Gap, are apprenticeships the answer?
In this Time for Change workshop recording, we discuss if apprenticeships are the answer to skills gaps.
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Try a Trade: Introductory Webinar
Watch our recorded introductory webinar for schools and stakeholders to learn more about the Try a Trade programme.
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Time For Change: Taking positive action workshop recording
In this Time for Change workshop recording, we bring employer and HR voices to the table to discuss positive...
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T Levels Webinar
Watch this exclusive T Levels webinar for schools and stakeholders to find out more about the benefits that they...
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Time For Change: Self-selecting out workshop recording
Our June Time for Change workshop explored the reasons why some young people self-select out of opportunities and the...
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Time for Change: Bridging the gap between schools and apprenticeships
Hear from teachers and careers staff about why employers should get involved in schools to inform their students.
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Time For Change: Thinking Beyond Budget recording
Explore how employers can support their apprentices and improve job satisfaction, talent retention and more.
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RAF No room for clichés Best Bits
Watch the best bits from our informative ‘No Room for Clichés’ webinar with the Royal Air Force.
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Time For Change: Barriers to Access, The Apprentice Perspective Recording
Watch our workshop to explore the barriers faced by disadvantaged young people looking to access apprenticeships.
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RAF Breakout Room Recording Logistics
Learn more about Logistics careers with the Royal Air Force through our informative ‘No Room for Clichés’ webinar.
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RAF Breakout Room Recording Force Protection
Learn more about Force Protection careers with the Royal Air Force through our informative ‘No Room for Clichés’ webinar.
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RAF Breakout Room Recording Intelligence
Learn more about Intelligence careers with the Royal Air Force through our informative ‘No Room for Clichés’ webinar.
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RAF Breakout Room Recording Engineering
Learn more about Engineering careers with the Royal Air Force through our informative ‘No Room for Clichés’ webinar.
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