what is the SEND Advisory Network?

This progressive network aims to connect individuals from across the sector who have a shared interest in supporting young people with additional needs to access apprenticeships. Everyone is welcome to join and help to shape the resources, support and guidance provided to young people, their families and support networks.

We encourage all network members to contribute ideas, provide feedback on the resources developed, identify gaps in guidance and support and help to spread the word about the work of the group.

The network is free of charge to join.

Join the network

The aim of the SEND Advisory Network is to help to increase awareness of the barriers and challenges that can face some individuals when trying to access and progress through apprenticeships, and to inspire members to take action, reflect on their own processes and share their learnings with their wider networks.

  • No membership costs
  • Regular online meetings
  • Thought provoking discussions and sharing ‘what works’
  • Access to free resources

Please sign up to become a member of the network below.

Sign up now


Our network meets online to participate in engaging and informative workshops.

The agendas are always packed with brilliant speakers and lots of useful content.

Upcoming network meeting dates are:

  • Thursday 26th September 2024, 15:45 – 16:45
  • Monday 2nd December 2024, 15:45 – 16:45
  • Thursday 6th March 2025, 15:45 – 16:45

If you would like to join a meeting, please register for the network and we will share the meeting details with you.

Meeting Highlight


In May, Amazing Apprenticeships and the SEND Advisory Network were joined by Ian Turley, Senior Policy Adviser for SEND in Post-16 Skills, Department for Education who shared some very exclusive news about the changes to English and maths.

The SEND Advisory Network was the first to hear the announcement outside of the DfE. The news was very welcome to the members of the group working with young people who this will directly benefit.

“ Thank you – really informative as usual.  Really great to hear from Ian – great speaker.”

Share with us

If you have any ideas for resources, meeting topics, additional support requirements or information that could be helpful to both the network and individuals then please do send us your recommendations and ideas below.

We would also love to hear about your success stories or the challenges you’ve faced. If you are working on something that you would like to share at a future meeting, please contact us below so that you can be included in the agenda.

Send us your suggestions

Sign up to become a member of the SEND Advisory Network below.

Join The Network