Teachers experience life as a BBC apprentice

This week Amazing Apprenticeships took 30 teachers and careers advisers to BBC Salford, home of BBC Breakfast, BBC Sport, BBC Children’s, and BBC Radio Manchester. The aim was simple – to showcase the enormous range of career opportunities available, and to demonstrate the inclusive approach that the BBC has in recruiting a diverse range of individuals at all levels.

This immersive visit ensured that educators could meet with BBC apprentices and apprenticeship scheme managers. They viewed a live news programme being filmed and were inspired by the range of opportunities in the BBC, in sectors such as Production, Journalism, Business, Digital tech and Engineering.

Allison Hinds, Outreach Schemes Specialist welcomed the group and shared an informative film about the BBC and life as a BBC apprentice before hearing from Nikki Tapper, who is a teacher, radio broadcaster and event host.

Attendees also enjoyed the opportunity to hear directly from the apprentice panel, which included a Level 6 Software engineer degree apprentice, a Level 6 Business and Project Management degree apprentice, a Level 3 Production apprentice and Apprenticeship Scheme Specialists. Apprentices shared their experiences of the recruitment process, explained what their role involves and why they love their apprenticeship at the BBC.

Apprenticeship Scheme Specialists described how apprentices are supported through the recruitment process and Lucy Swinburn, Senior Talent Acquisition Adviser provided detailed insight on application processes, online tests, video interviews and assessment centres.

The feedback from delegates was overwhelmingly positive.

Katie, an Assistant Head from a local school explained, “As a careers lead it has been really inspirational today to understand the opportunities available at BBC. It has now educated us to be able to go back into schools and inspire the next generation to be able to apply for apprenticeships at BBC”

Christine, an Apprenticeship Learner and Employer Advisor, shared her thoughts on the day “What a fantastic day, I have learnt so much today, I didn’t know the BBC did so many apprenticeships, and I will certainly be passing all the information onto our careers team, thank you for a great day!”

Careers leader Brendan also shared his thoughts, “I thought the day was really interesting, it gave me the knowledge and skills to work with young people on a day-to-day basis on the application process, it was really good to meet some of the apprentices and find out their story and their career journey, but also meet up with colleagues who are also working with students on the application process, thanks so much for inviting us today, it was really good”

To find out more about the apprenticeship opportunities at the BBC, you can join our webinar on Tuesday 22nd October 2024 at 3.30pm. Please click here to register.


If you would like to explore more about life as an apprentice at the BBC please click below:

Click here to hear from James who is a Software engineer apprentice.

Click here to watch and read more about Ben at the BBC, who is a Broadcast operator apprentice.

You can also watch the ‘Pathways with the BBC: National Careers Week’ webinar by clicking here.

Level 5 journalist Emaan is featured in the A-Z resource, which you can access here.

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