Young people raise their voices via the Youth Voice Census

September 22, 2022

The Youth Voice Census from Youth Employment UK launched at the beginning of September revealing a concerning picture for the careers sector.

The fifth edition of Youth employment UK’s Youth Voice Census launched at the beginning of September, supported by Amazing Apprenticeships, Edge Foundation, Pearson and Ignite.

Over 4000 young people aged 11-30 took part in the survey, answering questions about life, study, work and prospects.

As long-term supporters of the census, the report includes a forward from Amazing Apprenticeships’ founder, Anna Morrison CBE and a section specific to apprenticeships to offer insight into how young people are feeling about the opportunities open to them and the information and advice available to them.

The census shows that only 1 in 4 (25.6%) of young people in education stated that they had heard about apprenticeships five times or more and 1 in 5 (21.4%) of those currently in education feel likely to undertake an apprenticeship. On the positive front, the vast majority (84.1%) of those on an apprenticeship find it a positive and enjoyable experience.

“Despite the excellent work that we see happening in schools and colleges across the country, there is still a long way to go,” said Morrison. “Employers, schools and training providers need to be more ambitious in inspiring young people as to the benefits of pursuing an apprenticeship.”

The Youth Voice Census offers insight into the minds of young people, it’s imperative that we listen and take action to address the challenges, highlighted.

The full Youth Voice Census report can be downloaded from the Youth Employment UK website.