
We’re looking for enthusiastic, inquisitive individuals who want to make a difference. The qualifications you need will depend on what apprenticeship you’re interested in.

When can I apply for a CCEP apprenticeship?

Apprentice recruitment drives normally run between October and January. For an overview of our expected vacancies for our next recruitment cycle, see our vacancies page now.

How do I apply for a CCEP apprenticeship?

All roles are listed on our careers page once they are live. Find a vacancy you are interested in and complete your application through our website.

How do I stand out?

CCEP welcomes people with a range of qualifications and backgrounds, from those who have studied Maths or Science to those who have a passion for English or Design. Other skills that all the roles require include problem-solving, the ability to work in a team and dealing confidently with people. But remember, as this is an apprenticeship, it will teach you technical and practical skills as well.

  • Do as much research on our company and the role you are applying for as possible.
  • We’re looking for people who have the personality to bring our brands alive!
  • We want to recruit people who will stay on with us after the programme to further their careers, so talk to us about your aspirations for the future.
  • We are interested in ambitious and confident individuals who can help us to strength existing relationships and create new business opportunities.

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners has more than 42,000 employees across our business, from supply chain and commercial teams to corporate functions like finance and human resources.

If you have the personality with the power to influence and connect, if you can sustain the pace to keep on growing and make an impact with your desire to win (what we call THIRST) then Coca-Cola Europacific Partners is the place to quench it.

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