
Application hints & tips

All RSPCA apprenticeship vacancies are advertised on the apprenticeship website as well as the RSPCA’s own website. RSPCA apprenticeships usually attract lots of applications. Make yours stand out from the crowd by doing the following:

BEfore your application:

Understand the breadth of the work of the RSPCA, its mission, vision and values. You can find lots of information on the RSPCA’s website at as well as books such as The Dog Rescuers

Research the role that you are applying for. Visit an RSPCA centre if possible

Be clear about why you want to study for an apprenticeship with the RSPCA


During your application:

Make sure you complete every section of the application form and ensure you get your application in plenty of time before the deadline

Illustrate your answers with examples from school, volunteering, work or your home life

Make a list of questions for the interviewer.


We are the UK’s biggest animal charity and every year we rescue more animals from cruelty and danger than any other organisation – a fact we’re very proud of.

We value and recognise our apprentices’ contributions and are proud to offer an extensive and generous benefits package.

We offer apprenticeship programmes across all areas of the organisation – click to find out more!

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