Amazing Apprenticeships partner with Green Careers Week with four dedicated resources featuring Amazon, Leonardo and GEA

The inaugural celebration between 7th-12th November is supported with a brand-new apprenticeship film, accompanying Rapid Read download, student focussed quiz and green events calendar to help schools and employers alike celebrate the week.

Green Careers Week, is an opportunity to highlight career pathways that go some way to improving the future of the planet and aims to help teachers and young people get to grips with emerging technologies and careers that will change the world for the better.

The new apprenticeship film, featuring apprentices from Amazon, Essex County Council, Leonardo, GEA, Rothamsted Enterprises, Suffolk County Council and more, showcases the variety of roles and tasks that contribute towards sustainability and improve awareness of sustainable apprenticeships.

“Speaking with young apprentices while filming has been incredibly inspirational,” says Anna Morrison CBE, founder and director of Amazing Apprenticeships. “The recurring theme throughout the film is clear – apprentices of all ages desire a purpose behind their career and want to feel like they are making a difference. Their knowledge and passion is astounding!”

Accompanying the film is a Rapid Read download outlining where to look for green apprenticeships and how to spot great vacancies, a fun sustainability quiz for students designed to improve awareness of green opportunities, tasks and roles, and a green events calendar to help schools explore green apprenticeships and careers.

“Achieving or working towards Net Zero is the aim of many organisations,” continues Morrison.We know that there are many apprenticeship roles that can contribute to an organisation’s sustainability goals. We’re finding many employers are starting to create apprenticeship job roles that enable their apprentices, of all ages, to show their passions and reduce the impact of climate change, and this is a hugely exciting and important development for apprenticeships”

The resources are available to download now on the Amazing Apprenticeships website.

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