Diverse voices come together to advocate for diversity in apprenticeships

In our recent Time for Change session ‘Increasing Ethnic Diversity in Apprenticeships’, a fantastic panel of speakers came together to help shed light on the importance of inclusivity in vocational training.

Among the speakers were Nishi Mayor from Youth Futures Foundation (YFF), Jainna Bhalla representing The Brown Girl League, and Elijah Olanipekun of the Black Apprentice Network. Each speaker brought unique perspectives and experiences to the discussion, sharing their insight on what more could be done to encourage diversity within apprenticeships.

“This session focussed on a recent report by YFF clearly setting out some of the challenges that are faced by young people from minoritised ethnic groups in accessing the workplace, and some clear and practical recommendations that employers could put in place.”

“What I love about the two networks featured, The Brown Girl League and The Black Apprentice Network, is that both have both been set up by apprentices, for apprentices. They have spotted a gap in the support that is needed for young and aspiring apprentices, and are working hard to ensure that we showcase the stories of others to inspire future generations – it’s really important that we encourage more of this.”

The session closed with an encouragement to all participants to reflect on what they had taken from the session and to consider how they may be able to adapt their own organisation’s processes and practices going forward.

For those who missed the live event, the recording is now available. The webinar drew upon various research, reports and resources, some of which are available below:

  • To view the full Time for Change schedule and upcoming webinars, click here
  • To take part in the 2024 Youth Voice Census, click here
  • To access the government apprenticeship statistics, click here
  • To read the Youth Futures Foundation report Discrimination and work, click here
  • To sign up to The Brown Girl League, click here
  • To find out more about The Black Apprentice Network, click here

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