Time for Change: Mental Health Mindsets

17 Oct 2022
13.00 - 14.00
Time for Change: Mental Health Mindsets

According to Mental Health UK 75% of mental health problems start before a young person’s 18th birthday. In addition, recent research from the Department for Education found that mental health was also cited as being one of the top reasons why apprentices may leave their apprenticeships before completion. Consequently, supporting your apprentices could mean more than just developing your talent pipeline.

Mental wellbeing support and guidance may also be needed as your apprentices experience a major life transition of stepping into the world of work for the first time or starting a new career. Could your workplace conditions also be contributing to their mental health challenges?

Join us in our next Time for Change session which will look at some of the mental health issues faced by apprentices and some ways in which employers and training providers can support them.

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